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projects 1990 to present

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A Place Among The Dead - 2020

The Greenhouse Set for "Eli" as it sat on stage with the forced perspective background

Smurfs 2 Underground Paris Opera Set

the Lower East Side apartment set for Smurfs on stage

the hero apartment built on stage for "Dope Girls" aka "Mary and Jane"

an early concpet sketch I did for "Eli"

The Lost City of Atlantis Set for Journey 2 The Mysterious Island

Belvedere Castle set on stage for Smurfs

Captain Nemo's Secret Lair Entrance Set on Stage

the Set for the Fluxer's Classroom for Upside Down magic

a model I built for myself during the pandemic lockdown

a 1/2" scale model built for the Quantum Physics Lab set

a color elevation I did for the Quantum Physics lab set on Happy Death Day 2U

the Quantum Physics Classrom Set for Happy Death day 2

the Prom Set built for "Tall Girl" in the Gymnasium on location in New Orleans

RBG head sculpture we created for the Art Classroom scene in "Tall Girl"

Scooby Doo 2 Monster maker Concept model I built

a set piece we built for Journy 2 The Mysterious Island

a Goblin concept I did for a project

Coraline House concept

The Giant mechanical Shark Submarine model I built for James and the Giant Peach

the Main Entrance set being built for "Eli"

Ultra Violet colored Skeleton Model I built for Nightmare Before Christmas

Slow Bob Stop Motion Iguana
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